
Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'll Take it!

Hmm, last time I said two posts in one month I was wrong. This time however, I am victorious! Somehow I'm managing to post even though I'm full of boring info and nothing exciting has happened, or at least nothing has happened that I've documented with pictures and everyone loves pictures...right?! I do. So I'll just add the ones I have and I'll take it. Two posts, one month-impressive.

Leslie had a birthday. I love birthdays. This is her last birthday without a baby. She's 22! Hooray for being born! One day her baby will know how wonderful it is to be born, and Leslie will also learn how beautiful life is (not that she doesn't already). Garrison and I got together to celebrate with Leslie and Brad for a day that was just about Leslie. We had subs from Jimmy Johns (good, but not an east coast sub, sorry Utah). We also went to the Coco Bean Cafe to get 'gourmet' cupcakes (so I wouldn't have to go grocery shopping) and picked up her present from Soel. We got her a pair of TOMS and Soel is a little boutique in Orem (the city/town right next to Provo-where I live) that carries TOMS. We also got her some bright orangish/yellowish gerber daisies (because they're her favourite flowers) and had a nice relaxing night of games and music. She seemed to enjoy it and we enjoyed hosting it. I was happy to be able to provide her with a peaceful birthday.

The TOMS I mentioned are really quite awesome. They're canvas shoes made by the company TOMS it's a company that does a one for one campaign-for every purchase they give a pair of shoes away. They make shoes that you purchase and then give them to a child in need. It's a wonderful company and the shoes are comfortable as well. I actually wrote about them before, because Garrison and I got ours and hiked the Y in them. Yup. THAT comfortable. Leslie really wanted a pair but didn't want to ask her parents for them because she had received a lot of 'presents' for the baby for her birthday (furniture and whatnot) which is understandable. But, it was her last birthday as a single couple (with her hubby but no baby). I figured she should get something she liked/wanted that didn't have to do with the baby. Garrison agreed. So we got her TOMS and she was THRILLED!

Unfortunately, I haven't documented the rest of my life thus far with photographs so I am out of pictures to post, dangit! However, the rest of my comings and goings have been kind of boring (I guess that's why I really only post once a month, because it's less depressing if I do it that way...).

Life is fun. School is invigorating. Utah is warming up (FINALLY!) And, I get to come back to the east coast for EFY!!! WOOHOO!!! I'm thoroughly excited for that.

In other news, Mike Nelson is visiting Utah. Garrison and I hiked the Y with him, I's Provo, Utah and the Y-what more traditional/touristy thing could we show him?! Mike wasn't hungry after the Y though, so he missed out on J Dawgs. It's only the single most incredible place to get a polish hotdog around here, yes-hotdog. I eat them. At J Dawgs. Surprising, shocking even. I know! Garrison and I treated ourselves after the hike, for Mike-even though he wasn't there. Also, Lexi and I went to the Provo temple on Thursday and it was wonderful. I have three midterms next week then I'm going to California!!! Hooray for weddings! Once I get back it'll already be June. Where does the time go?! Garrison's family is visiting in the beginning of June and then I have finals and moving-then EFY!!! Hopefully I'll be able to post more than once during June/July/August, but I won't make any promises, because I know my track record thus far isn't very promising in the least. Maybe I'll change it. If not. Two posts. One month?! I'll take it!

[Lyrics:...selfless sacrifice for everyone-faith, hope, love, and harmony-I said let this world know me by your your love- josh garrels]

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring Has Sprung?

WHOOPS! Time keeps flying and I keep forgetting to update! Don't worry, I haven't changed too much...see?!

I guess it's been a while. So much for posting more than once a month...I guess it's impressive to have posted once a month for three months though (well, maybe not for everyone but I am impressed!) There's so much time and so little to say, wait-strike that, reverse it-moving on.

In the interest of time I've decided that a time line of pictures would be more beneficial than anything here it goes.

Garrison and I made our way to Salt Lake City the weekend of Easter for General Conference after watching the first session at my place after an incredible Hungarian breakfast-made for us by our loving (and my dearest) friends Brad and Leslie Twining.

We attended three of the four sessions of General Conference. We went to the Saturday afternoon session (the day this picture was taken) and both of the Easter Sunday Sessions. It was my first time attending Conference and it was SO incredible. I loved it! I can't wait for October! We stayed in Layton with our friends family. They treated us to homemade dinner, breakfast and an endless supply of snacks and fun.

It was a fabulous weekend-especially before the craziness of finals commenced, and commence it did. PHEW! I'm glad it's finally over!

In other news: I made dinner! Mom sent me her recipe for her meatloaf, and I used it and did it! For those of you who know me but don't know me need to be aware of this: I HATE TOUCHING MEAT.
I made lasagna and roast beast (or pot roast for those of you who are NOT Grinch fans...shame) as well as various other specialties of mine but I absolutely detest touching the meat I have to cook-it's just unpleasant.

This was my very first experience with making meatloaf and mixing the ingredients together, on my own. I must say, it turned out pretty well.

I also made some fresh asparagus, which was another first for me. I really loved how rich in flavour it was not to mention how tasty it was! YUM! We had a little dinner with my roommate Andrea (who has since moved out..sad!) and then had FHE too. We learned about the creation and made our own 'creation/world' by using ice cream (soy, for me) and it was quite the night and we were all very VERY full afterwards. It's rather unfortunate that I cannot document my other cooking experiments, but when the occasion permits I will be sure to take more pictures to document my successful, or perhaps not so successful endeavors.

While I crafted wonderful meals and visited Salt Lake for Conference my first semester at BYU was winding down faster than I could fathom. Once everything FINALLY wound down, I made my way home. I was received by my loving sisters
(and mom, not pictured) at the Philadelphia airport, after traveling all day and NOT sleeping the night before (I was too excited, it's like Disneyworld, only not as musical and theatrical-who wouldn't be excited?!).

It was great to be home, unfortuantely I don't have the pictures of my visit (I took most of them with Mom's camera) but it was delightful to be home with those I love most (even if I did spend a majority of my time at the Doctor's office[s], for check-ups and the like). We went to Grottos, the beach, Thrashers, Rita's, the outlets, the mall, church, my Grandparents and well, I think that's it.

I can't believe how quickly everyone has grown up! Gunner takes some sick pleasure in being taller than me, not sure why. Bethany (I hate to admit) is every bit as tall as I am, but not quite taller. Hunter has been taller than me since...uh, my Senior year in high school? So, I'm pretty sure I'll be shorter than the rest of my siblings once Noah and Mia grow up-but at least for now I've got some height on them! Ha.

Unfortunately, time flies even when you aren't in school. As quickly as I left Utah, I came back. It wasn't THAT upsetting, but it was bittersweet. Utah has a way of welcoming me home that I find rather amusing, in fact-if I were Utah I'd probably do the same thing, but after a while I'd grow tired of it, I'm hoping Utah is more like me than I think and I'm waiting for it to grow tired of it's amusing welcoming-rain, cold, and wind. Why be so predictable?

Regardless of Utah's predicability, I'm back in Utah now for Spring Semester. WOOHOO! Forced enthusiasm is still enthusiasm, right? I'm taking nine credits, apparently that's academic suicide, but no one has ambushed me with a formal I'm moving forward (PLEASE INTERVENE WITH AN INTERVENTION!)

Since I've been back I've been quite busy, but I've still found time to get out of Provo, or at least enjoy Provo. Garrison and I went to our favourite little bar in Salt Lake to get root beer last week. It's called Squatters. They make their own root beer, and other beers but we just drink their root beer. It's really good. The first time I went to Squatters with Garrison was sometime in February, after our Valentine's date to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
At the time I had heard all the RAVE of Squatters root beer and their cardboard straws, from Garrison. I assumed it had to be 'great' otherwise there wouldn't be a need for the praise. The praise was not in vain, but they did not have cardboard straws, I was disappointed. Then we went to Salt Lake to go to the temple and went to Squatters afterwards and guess what?! YUP! You guessed it! THEY HAD THE CARDBOARD STRAWS!

A few things to take note of: Leslie is Prego.
I found out in January on my way back from the Temple, so obviously this isn't 'news' however, her Mom and Granny were here for the week last week and I got to spend time with them as well.

They are incredible. It's always wonderful to be around those you love, especially when they bring with them all of the things you miss, like home. Leslie found out last Tuesday the sex of the baby and of course we had to celebrate. IT'S A GIRL! So we went out to dinner with her family and had a good night.

As if it seems as though I don't get enough of a 'break' from school and work...My friend Lexi and I ran down to the end of the road to get to track down the local ice cream 'man' and got a popsicle to further our ability to finish studying. It was one of my prouder and more spontaneous moments of the week. It's the little things in life, like hearing the ice cream truck and getting so excited that you barely have your shoes on when you run outside with wallet in hand looking for the ice cream man and following the alluring tune of 'happiness' wherever it may lead, and lead it did-to coconut and pink panther bliss. Ah.

Leslie and I went out on Friday for manicures and pedicures (my Mother's day gift to her). Then went on a double date with Brad and Gar, after we got some pizza and watched the Suns destroy the Spurs...I mean, we focus on the important things-like basketball games. Ha.

After the game and my 'allergy attack' (not sure where it came from but I couldn't breathe and the kept coughing, so I got my inhaler and fixed things, right) we went to Colour Me Mine. I was SO excited! I've always wanted to go and I finally got the chance to. Garrison and I didn't finish our cups/mugs though, so we'll have to go back, darn! Leslie made a plate for her mom and Brad made the same mug that Garrison and I did. They finished theirs I think we might be a some sort of overzealous, perfectionists, but it's just a thought (I'm sure it'll pass, they usually do). After we dropped Leslie and Brad off we went to Sonic for a mid-night shake, date. Those are my favourites.

Leslie left her keys and cell phone in my bag on Friday night so Saturday I brought it over to her and then went on a shopping spree to make her baby girl's mobile. It was a collaborative effort of my ideas and hers. After two different stores and a few hours of wrapping ribbon, we FINALLY began gluing ribbon and daises to finish the project.

The night was one of much excitement, and I have determined that crafts are fun but VERY tiring. We had Pita Pit (a local, chain, joint that makes wraps in pitas-they're wonderful) and watched some comedians before calling it a long night. The mobile is BEYOND darling. I can't wait to meet this little girl, she is already so very loved.

This week I hit the third of the way mark! I took my first midterm (one of two) yesterday and have the opportunity to take another one tomorrow, woohoo! I've already turned in a paper and have finished three anthologies (yes, three) for my British Literature class, and I've still got a few weeks to go! Garrison also made (well, finished) a friendship bracelet for me. It's really neat, all of my favourite colours. It's happy and so am I. Life in Utah is marvelous. Spring semester is just as crazy as it's rumored to be and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I can't wait to be home on the east coast for EFY but will miss being out here.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Live Your Life in Colour

Oh, how the time just flies! As promised I am updating...AGAIN! Woohoo! I'd say twice in one month, but seeing as it's currently April I'd be lying. Last week was incredibly busy and fun.
Saturday was the Holi Festival of Colours. It's a traditional Indian Holiday that marks the burning of an evil Hindu demoness named Holkia. There's even
a burning of a 'witch' when the throwing starts. It's amazing how the whole thing goes down. Beautiful even. Everyone arrives wearing different clothing, most in white shirts though. Then the throwing begins and we all leave-the same. We're all coloured up and a mess, but it's wonderful.

our before&after pictures

The festival is held in Spanish Fork, Utah. Roughly 20 minutes away from Provo...depending on who drives. It's located on the grounds of the Indian Temple called Krishna. There's a hill and at the bottom of the hill there were three separate 'stages' set up-the one in the middle being the one of most importance.
Before the 'throwing' begins, which happens an hour into the event, there's music and dancing-essentially it's a big celebration of spring and love-my favourites!
Before sitting down we got our colours and walked around for a bit.
Spring in Utah is substantially different than back east. Our pictures turned out wonderfully, but it was really only mid-40's that day. Jumping around and throwing colours livens things up a bit in regard to circulation. I was freezing once we got back to Provo for lunch. I was able to capture a few pictures from the throwing before it actually took place (because the people in the back were a little overzealous with their excitement and just couldn't contain themselves any longer). I didn't take my camera out again until after the festivities were finished, which still didn't prove to save it from the dust of colours in the air...poor thing, I have since cleaned it and it's doing just fine (thanks for caring).

The aftermath of the colours is quite intense, but we thoroughly enjoyed our colourfulness and celebrated spring by eating lunch at Sammy's, a local burger joint that's 'famous' for their pie-shakes (they literally put a slice of pie in their milk-shakes, delish!) I was the only lone soul from our group that didn't 'clean-up' before getting lunch. I felt like it wasn't necessary. It wasn't. The rest of our friends just looked a bit 'dirty' and I looked as though I had just gotten back from the Holi, which I had-but the rest of my friends had as well, they just didn't look the part. It took about 15 minutes longer than it usually takes in the shower for my hair and face and other bodily orifices to be completely 'colour free' but it happened and after the shower there was MUCH rejoicing on my end. It's so wonderful to be clean! Gar and I attended the BYU Volleyball game after we cleaned up and then had a nice evening of relaxing before falling asleep from exhaustion.
It's so fascinating to have the opportunity to experience so many fun things here in Utah. Who'da thunk?! As the semester is winding down I'm really beginning to reflect on how quickly time has passed and how happy I am to be here, again-GASP I just said that (err, wrote it?). BYU really is an incredible experience and opportunity, I am SO blessed! In the upcoming weeks I'll be attending conference, taking finals and writing final papers, and finishing my first semester at BYU, wow! What a great weekend!

[lyrics: Oh look at how she listens, she says nothing of what she thinks, she just goes stumbling through her memories...but all the colours mix together-to grey. dave matthews]

Friday, March 26, 2010

Take Me There...

Hmm, well isn't this almost nostalgic? I've been 'busy' for the past two months..and now the semester is over. WOW.

I guess an update is in order. Where to begin?

I guess I should mention that I met a boy..his name is Garrison and I'm fairly fond of him. He's pretty adorable. We met at EFY five years ago. I wished him a VERY happy birthday on Facebook and he had just transfered to BYU! He noticed that I was also at BYU and decided we should probably meet up and 'be friends' since we are currently living in the same place. He got my number. [sly dog] On the 14th of January we went on a date to Pier 49. It was epic. I was two hours late (whoops) and he was okay with it (what a keeper!). We talked. We laughed. We ate pizza. Then I took him home. Came back and watched basketball and brought over Disney movies. I left [well..attempted to] his apartment to find that my car had been booted (it was a good laugh). So an hour and 65$ later I left for real, and by the end of the night I had made a really good friend. Thank you University Police-that boot was JUST the ticket to our flourishing relationship.

We talked a bit here and there through text. Then he asked me on another date (to be nice, I think) and we've been together everyday since. Honestly, I couldn't be happier and I've never felt this way about a guy before. He's incredible. Nice. Funny. Honest. Smart. Cute. Southern. Oh, and he's my best friend. Yeah, it's safe to say he's the best thing I could have asked for and then some. Plus, he builds forts with me in the basement for FHE-I mean..really-wow!

Here are a few of the things I've been up to-you know..outside of being the most studious honors student BYU has ever seen..


SLC: on numerous occasions...Temple Square Dates..

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy & Squatters...


Arizona actually is a good place to stop. It deserves some recognition. This was the best trip, hands down. I got to go with Gar. We drove [yuck-or so I thought before we went] and the driving was almost as great as the destination. Gar got to meet all of my closest friends (an honor I'm certain). We went to my very FAVOURITE temple.

I took him to a Suns v. Lakers game-fifth row, NBD. Then we went to the University 5th Ward and topped it off with my favourite mex. restaurant before we left. I fell for Gar while in my favourite place, with all of my favourite people (including him, of course) and I haven't gotten up yet..I don't think I want to. Thanks for being concerned, but I rather enjoy sitting in the filth of uncontainable and absolute happiness resulting from being in LIKE, when I'm no longer content I'll let you know.

After Arizona we came back to the real world. [sad day-good thing I slept through most of it] We watched the most incredible sunset as we drove back to Provo and I was ready to go back, knowing I was going with my best friend, happier than when I left, and happy to still be with him.

I'm making sure to give the heavens above more than just a passing glance.. and every chance I get- I DANCE...I mean, who wouldn't dance with a SWEET sunset like that?!

Arizona has my heart. It always will. However, I found a way to share I am. It's made all the difference in the world!

It's now almost the end of the semester. I have three weeks left. That boils down to: 2 Finals. [but only ONE legit 'final' on a day other than our originally scheduled class] One take home exam. One in-class Exam. One paper. Thank you BYU for making my semester the easiest and hardest, at the same time, WHO DOES THAT?!

Other than doing homework (on occasion) since we've been back from Arizona we celebrated St. Patricks day (after I had my endoscopy)-at Sammys [just a local buger joint with the best shakes around]. We had a reiviting karaoke night and ate SO much food! Then we continued to celebrate by eating jimmy covered doughnuts & GREEN jones soda. Most legit St. Pattys day, ever.
Then we went to a little mission reunion at a Korean restaurant with Gar's friends-again, great food.
Oh, and we went back to SLC for an orchestra on the Temple Grounds where we took a picture; if it were a film it'd be considered a Hollywood Blockbuster. It's happy and so am I.
Then, this past week, we hiked the Y in our brand new TOMS.
We go to BYU. Met at EFY. We're cliche.
We're spontaneous. We're completely in like and I wouldn't have it any other way.

[lyrics: I don't know but I think I may be falling for you, dropping so quickly...I'm tired of holding this inside my head: I've been spending all my time just thinking 'bout you-I think I'm falling for you...Colbie C.]

Friday, January 29, 2010

Who Knew?!

On occasion, I'm not sure how many (and that means I know it's more than I want to admit so just be aware of that.) I've considered posting more of the very interesting facets of my life, only to find something else, more exciting..or so I tell myself, and end up NOT posting anything. To save myself from what could be perceived as an outlet of self-inflicted agony from not 'updating' I will say that I'm really just writing because I've found that writing things down takes them out of my mind and puts them elsewhere, and quite frankly I could care less WHERE that elsewhere is, as long as it's NOT in my head.
Today marks my FOURTH week in Provo, Utah. I've been in school for FOUR weeks, CRAZY!!! I've handed in three papers, taken over 10 texts, and read COUNTLESS pages for homework, and I've still got 12 weeks to go...insane. However, as swiftly as time has passed, it's also been ticking by, quite tranquilly.
Before I moved to Utah I decided, on my own free will, that I wanted to visit EVERY temple in Utah, and not just SEE it-go inside. So far I have been successful in my endeavors. I've gone to a different temple EVERY week, for the past three weeks. Today will continue the trend, as I go to the South Jordan Temple! YAY! Here's a list of the temples I've hit so far:






It's been my privilege to attend the temples with my very favourite people (outside of family, of course) and for that I am truly blessed. It seems that the Lord has an interesting way of planting terrific people in my life, and I will forever love that. In the past few weeks I've met the most incredible people, and rekindled friendships that I would never have expected to strike another match to. The blessing of friendship, of people that love you, and believe in you is a Heavenly thing, something I truly admire about the Lord's willingness to bring happiness into our lives, through other people, it amazes me. Unfortunately, I've yet to capture much of my life in Provo on film, it's something I'm working on, but will be sure to do soon enough.
Now that ONE goal has been properly documented I should mention a few more 'finer' details of things I've not mentioned hence, WHO KNEW?!
One-I'm enrolled in the Honors Program at BYU. It's an open enrollment, IF you have a 3.5 GPA, and will be able to meet all the standards required, which I do-CHECK
Two-I'm a Senior! I posted about that already, but it's still fascinating to me, so I'm sharing it again.
Three-I have gone to restaurants and used sign language to communicate, for a No Speaking Lab, and those were the most intense and humbling experiences I've had in a while.
Four-I've met the most awesome bunch of people-ever..My Twilight class (yes, that one) has a group of people that I am beyond grateful to have in my life, they really make the class enjoyable and have made me smile more than I've wanted at times. I also have met another friend from EFY-who I hadn't talked to in YEARS, and he's been the best guy friend I could have asked for, here.
Five-I've been CLEARED of my ankle fracture, and am actually able to do Physical Therapy and start to train to run again, WOOHOO!
Six-I dropped a blender (uh huh, a BLENDER!) on my ankle (yup, the one I broke...) and it gashed me I have six stitches-they're blue-it's kind of cool...
Seven-I'm going to Haiti. I could just stop there, but I feel as though an explanation is partially needed. Once the earthquake rocked Haiti I wanted to leave Utah (not because I hated it) to go and help my brothers and sisters out of the rubble. Then the tremors and the second earthquake happened, and I felt my heart ache as I was not there with them. I found a site, via my mom, and applied to go to Haiti to help my family out...I heard back LAST Saturday that I was on the additional plane list, and I could be leaving in about a week. After hurting my ankle I received a tetanus shot (why not?! I was at the hospital anyway). I've been cleared to go, with the Utah Hospital Task Force, and pending funds I will be in Haiti within two weeks. My teachers have been understanding and I've actually been excused from TWO classes. So I have THREE English classes to 'make up' or do extra work for, but it's totally worth it to help my brothers and sisters.

Thats life. It's mine. I love it.

[lyrics-when you figure out that love is all that matters after all, it sure makes everything else...seem so SMALL]

Monday, January 18, 2010

I did it again! I made dinner last night, for a few more people than last week...but it was still a hit! We had homemade Chili and cornbread (pronounced con [like cone] brea [no 'd' but with emphasis on the rea still] ie. conbre). Of course things never go as planned, so we had to fill up on the awesome caesar salad and juice that I had, and then wait patiently for the beans to 'soften' up...yes, I used dry beans (none of that canned junk) and failed to soak them overnight. FAIL.

However, my friends have this uncanny ability to converse with one another, it's really an incredible gift, something straight out of the movies. So needless to say, waiting for dinner proved to be anything BUT awkward [which was a relief and a half for me, yes and a half I was ALMOST doubly relieved, but only ALMOST].

Once dinner was 'ready' (I use that word lightly because of the effort it took to ensure it's 'readiness.' I had too many beans-or lacked a pot big enough to handle the beanage that I had-so we [Leslie, Lindsay, and I] resorted to the crock-pot, the Hail Mary and Mother of all 'saves' as far as kitchen faux-pas are concerned...only to find out that filling a seven quart pot with chili, isn't always good... especially when it isn't on.) WHOOPS!

What had happened was this. I'm a little on the ADHD side, (really only a little, taking drugs for it daily doesn't mean a thing, ha)! So I was making: chocolate cheesecake [from scratch], chili sauce, and cooking the beans at the same time. The cheesecake itself is a three part process-crust (requiring one to toast almonds, crush them and wafers, as well as melt butter and mix it together), then melt chocolate and stir until totally melted...pour into cheese mixture, and cook milk/unflavoured gelatin then mix all of those together and put it in the crust-yeah, I was doing that WHILE cooking beans and meat. I tend to enjoy stress a little too much. I beans had to boil and then sit for an hour, yeah..sitting for an hour did NOTHING to help them 'soften' once everything for the chili was ready Lindsay helped me to hoist the pots into one pot..only to find that there were too many beans, not enough sauce, and no pan in a five mile radius big enough to hold all of it...again, WHOOPS. So we used the crock-pot to let the beans soften, and just put the excess off to the side. Forty-five minutes later, the beans were still hard..not good. Thinking on our feet we took the beans out of the crock-pot and put them into two separate pots-turned the heat up, added water and waited another thirty minutes. Then we added more seasoning, waited fifteen minutes, and then combined the two pots into one, boiling it still for a good twenty minutes and then dinner was served. PHEW! It was a hit. Probably because everyone could smell it and the anticipation was killing them...but it turned out wonderfully.

To top it off we had homemade cheesecake (I'd ALMOST say as good as cheesecake back home, and that is impressive!) and some homemade raspberry cookies. Both were 'first' time experiments, which were total hits! I really love cooking, and cooking for my friends. Instead of going somewhere I get the chance to learn, and experiment with my friends, and entertain rather than go somewhere to be entertained and eat someone else's I know why cooking is addictive. HA!

Week three is coming up. WEIRD. This past weekend proved to be awesome, and busy...but more awesome than busy. Friday was Timp. temple (incredible), Leslie finding out she's prego, Brother Little visiting-going to Brick oven, hanging with friends, awesome. Saturday-BYU basketball vs. Colorado State, hanging with Lindsay, and then the Living Legends dance concert with Garrison and seeing Bethany Andersen after the show (AHHH!!! love her!!!), followed by dinner at home (prepared by Leslie). Then Sunday, which I already recapped. Now I have another day 'off' which seems weird because Mondays are already 'lazy' days for me, until work starts, since the only class I have on Mondays is at 5pm. Having no school really hasn't hit me, yet. I guess I should hit the homework though, making the Dean's List at BYU will be my goal until I graduate-easier said than done, but I'm going to prove myself wrong, I hope.

[lyrics: "please tell me how you lift these heavy bricks, and how you built this path for me to walk on...with the strength of all convinced-what does it take to believe, in all the things you believe, maybe I need to listen more carefully...I finally know-how you stand against the world..." sundays-daphne loves derby]

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday is a Special Day

What a week! I still can't believe that it's already Saturday and at the same time that it's only Saturday. I'm almost caught in a time warp of sorts and have been for a few weeks. My days seem to blur together, and I feel [at times] as though the weeks are moving far too fast and the days seem to drag...maybe it's because I'm over 21 now, I'll have to look into that.

In other news, although not very exciting...I am officially a SENIOR! YUP! I've made it. I am a BYU Senior, I have 94 credits with another 15 in process. The word diploma never sounded so real. Not that words can sound 'unreal' but that there are things people say-even in passing-that just never make sense or 'click' until it's personal. For me there are a few of them that have already passed...EFY Counselor (my dream, and it came true!), CTR Teacher (another dream, and check! haha), Teacher, Bridesmaid, Maid of Honor, Best Friend, Fiance, Girlfriend, Date, Temple partner...then there are the ones I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle just yet, such as: Bride, Mom, Bride-to-Be, Mother-to-Be, Soccer Mom, Wife, Aunt, Graduate, Grad Student, Adult, Grandmom (hey, it'll eventually happen). Those are the 'unreal' words that are indeed-REAL. Diploma. WOW. I'm honestly excited and scared. Four years, three Dean's lists, unnumbered papers, countless text books, four universities, and hours of prayer have led up to this moment. I'm still shocked.
BYU has proven itself to be what I expected and I'm still a little disappointed in it's unsurprising commonality. There's one thing, however, that I will laugh about until graduation and that is my ID card. To play a rousing game of catch up my transition to BYU was anything BUT normal. I moved here on January 3rd. School started January 4th. I went to class, purchased books, began homework, and started the semester the DAY after moving to Utah. I had not met with my advisor (after the 31st of October...after getting accepted) nor had I received my ID card to get me into all things campus related (darn, I know!). Needless to say an ID card was not and has not been at the top of my 'to-do' list. Until yesterday. Today, at 4 pm, the BYU Men's Basketball team will be playing against Colorado State. Being a fan of Duke, Georgetown, and of COURSE USU Aggies, I'm not a diehard fan of BYU Basketball (or any BYU sports, really). But I've decided I should really try to be more enthusiastic and give the school a chance, so I'm going to the game (or had made up my mind to go). Turns out that when students go to the game they sit in the student section, novel idea-really. Well, it also turns out that in order to sit in the 'student section' one needs a student ID. crap. Being quick I looked up the ID Office hours, drove over to the Wilk, told them my needs, and they delivered, a nice-new-shiny card with my name and picture on it. SUCCESS. Student ID. check. I signed it and left. While walking back to my car to show off the card that I was justifiably excited about FINALLY attaining...I looked it over and realized that the student ID clerk had accidently printed an employee ID card instead of student. FAIL. So for what it's worth, BYU is very much the idealized version of everything LDS and operational, with the exception of printing it's student ID cards, that could use some work.

Other exciting details of life would include: GETTING CLEARED OF MY ANKLE BRACE! X-Rays and an orthopedic surgeon agree that my tib/fib fracture has been healed and that three weeks of physical therapy will be enough to get me moving the way I used to. WOOHOO! I completed my first assignment (graded/weighted) and aced it! I met up with a LONG LOST friend from EFY FIVE YEARS AGO and went to the Pizza pie shop in Provo called Pier 49. The Jazz beat Cleveland. The Mount Timpanogos Temple is AMAZING! My best friend Amanda is getting married in May. My other best friend is preggo. Mom's book is in printing and I'm a senior!!! Life really is amazing.

I've got to finish a lot of homework and start preparations for tomorrows dinner, luckily Saturday is the day we get ready for Sunday! Life is beautiful, even in Provo.

[lyrics: I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, whenever one door closes I hope one more opens. Promise me that you'll give faith a FIGHTING chance, and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...DANCE]