I guess it's been a while. So much for posting more than once a month...I guess it's impressive to have posted once a month for three months though (well, maybe not for everyone but I am impressed!) There's so much time and so little to say, wait-strike that, reverse it-moving on.
In the interest of time I've decided that a time line of pictures would be more beneficial than anything else...so here it goes.
Garrison and I made our way to Salt Lake City the weekend of Easter for General Conference after watching the first session at my place after an incredible Hungarian breakfast-made for us by our loving (and my dearest) friends Brad and Leslie Twining.
We attended three of the four sessions of General Conference. We went to the Saturday afternoon session (the day this picture was taken) and both of the Easter Sunday Sessions. It was my first time attending Conference and it was SO incredible. I loved it! I can't wait for October! We stayed in Layton with our friends family. They treated us to homemade dinner, breakfast and an endless supply of snacks and fun.
It was a fabulous weekend-especially before the craziness of finals commenced, and commence it did. PHEW! I'm glad it's finally over!
In other news: I made dinner! Mom sent me her recipe for her meatloaf, and I used it and did it! For those of you who know me but don't know me need to be aware of this: I HATE TOUCHING MEAT.
I made lasagna and roast beast (or pot roast for those of you who are NOT Grinch fans...shame) as well as various other specialties of mine but I absolutely detest touching the meat I have to cook-it's just unpleasant.
This was my very first experience with making meatloaf and mixing the ingredients together, on my own. I must say, it turned out pretty well.
While I crafted wonderful meals and visited Salt Lake for Conference my first semester at BYU was winding down faster than I could fathom. Once everything FINALLY wound down, I made my way home. I was received by my loving sisters
(and mom, not pictured) at the Philadelphia airport, after traveling all day and NOT sleeping the night before (I was too excited, it's like Disneyworld, only not as musical and theatrical-who wouldn't be excited?!).It was great to be home, unfortuantely I don't have the pictures of my visit (I took most of them with Mom's camera) but it was delightful to be home with those I love most (even if I did spend a majority of my time at the Doctor's office[s], for check-ups and the like). We went to Grottos, the beach, Thrashers, Rita's, the outlets, the mall, church, my Grandparents and well, I think that's it.
I can't believe how quickly everyone has grown up! Gunner takes some sick pleasure in being taller than me, not sure why. Bethany (I hate to admit) is every bit as tall as I am, but not quite taller. Hunter has been taller than me since...uh, my Senior year in high school? So, I'm pretty sure I'll be shorter than the rest of my siblings once Noah and Mia grow up-but at least for now I've got some height on them! Ha.
Unfortunately, time flies even when you aren't in school. As quickly as I left Utah, I came back. It wasn't THAT upsetting, but it was bittersweet. Utah has a way of welcoming me home that I find rather amusing, in fact-if I were Utah I'd probably do the same thing, but after a while I'd grow tired of it, I'm hoping Utah is more like me than I think and I'm waiting for it to grow tired of it's amusing welcoming-rain, cold, and wind. Why be so predictable?
Regardless of Utah's predicability, I'm back in Utah now for Spring Semester. WOOHOO! Forced enthusiasm is still enthusiasm, right? I'm taking nine credits, apparently that's academic suicide, but no one has ambushed me with a formal intervention...so I'm moving forward (PLEASE INTERVENE WITH AN INTERVENTION!)
Since I've been back I've been quite busy, but I've still found time to get out of Provo, or at least enjoy Provo. Garrison and I went to our favourite little bar in Salt Lake to get root beer last week. It's called Squatters. They make their own root beer, and other beers but we just drink their root beer. It's really good. The first time I went to Squatters with Garrison was sometime in February, after our Valentine's date to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
At the time I had heard all the RAVE of Squatters root beer and their cardboard straws, from Garrison. I assumed it had to be 'great' otherwise there wouldn't be a need for the praise. The praise was not in vain, but they did not have cardboard straws, I was disappointed. Then we went to Salt Lake to go to the temple and went to Squatters afterwards and guess what?! YUP! You guessed it! THEY HAD THE CARDBOARD STRAWS!
A few things to take note of: Leslie is Prego.
I found out in January on my way back from the Temple, so obviously this isn't 'news' however, her Mom and Granny were here for the week last week and I got to spend time with them as well.
They are incredible. It's always wonderful to be around those you love, especially when they bring with them all of the things you miss, like home. Leslie found out last Tuesday the sex of the baby and of course we had to celebrate. IT'S A GIRL! So we went out to dinner with her family and had a good night.
As if it seems as though I don't get enough of a 'break' from school and work...My friend Lexi and I ran down to the end of the road to get to track down the local ice cream 'man' and got a popsicle to further our ability to finish studying. It was one of my prouder and more spontaneous moments of the week. It's the little things in life, like hearing the ice cream truck and getting so excited that you barely have your shoes on when you run outside with wallet in hand looking for the ice cream man and following the alluring tune of 'happiness' wherever it may lead, and lead it did-to coconut and pink panther bliss. Ah.
Leslie and I went out on Friday for manicures and pedicures (my Mother's day gift to her). Then went on a double date with Brad and Gar, after we got some pizza and watched the Suns destroy the Spurs...I mean, we focus on the important things-like basketball games. Ha.
After the game and my 'allergy attack' (not sure where it came from but I couldn't breathe and the kept coughing, so I got my inhaler and fixed things, right) we went to Colour Me Mine. I was SO excited! I've always wanted to go and I finally got the chance to. Garrison and I didn't finish our cups/mugs though, so we'll have to go back, darn! Leslie made a plate for her mom and Brad made the same mug that Garrison and I did. They finished theirs though...so I think we might be a some sort of overzealous, perfectionists, but it's just a thought (I'm sure it'll pass, they usually do). After we dropped Leslie and Brad off we went to Sonic for a mid-night shake, date. Those are my favourites.
Leslie left her keys and cell phone in my bag on Friday night so Saturday I brought it over to her and then went on a shopping spree to make her baby girl's mobile. It was a collaborative effort of my ideas and hers. After two different stores and a few hours of wrapping ribbon, we FINALLY began gluing ribbon and daises to finish the project.
The night was one of much excitement, and I have determined that crafts are fun but VERY tiring. We had Pita Pit (a local, chain, joint that makes wraps in pitas-they're wonderful) and watched some comedians before calling it a long night. The mobile is BEYOND darling. I can't wait to meet this little girl, she is already so very loved.
This week I hit the third of the way mark! I took my first midterm (one of two) yesterday and have the opportunity to take another one tomorrow, woohoo! I've already turned in a paper and have finished three anthologies (yes, three) for my British Literature class, and I've still got a few weeks to go! Garrison also made (well, finished) a friendship bracelet for me. It's really neat, all of my favourite colours. It's happy and so am I. Life in Utah is marvelous. Spring semester is just as crazy as it's rumored to be and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I can't wait to be home on the east coast for EFY but will miss being out here.
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