On occasion, I'm not sure how many (and that means I know it's more than I want to admit so just be aware of that.) I've considered posting more of the very interesting facets of my life, only to find something else, more exciting..or so I tell myself, and end up NOT posting anything. To save myself from what could be perceived as an outlet of self-inflicted agony from not 'updating' I will say that I'm really just writing because I've found that writing things down takes them out of my mind and puts them elsewhere, and quite frankly I could care less WHERE that elsewhere is, as long as it's NOT in my head.
Today marks my FOURTH week in Provo, Utah. I've been in school for FOUR weeks, CRAZY!!! I've handed in three papers, taken over 10 texts, and read COUNTLESS pages for homework, and I've still got 12 weeks to go...insane. However, as swiftly as time has passed, it's also been ticking by, quite tranquilly.
Before I moved to Utah I decided, on my own free will, that I wanted to visit EVERY temple in Utah, and not just SEE it-go inside. So far I have been successful in my endeavors. I've gone to a different temple EVERY week, for the past three weeks. Today will continue the trend, as I go to the South Jordan Temple! YAY! Here's a list of the temples I've hit so far:



It's been my privilege to attend the temples with my very favourite people (outside of family, of course) and for that I am truly blessed. It seems that the Lord has an interesting way of planting terrific people in my life, and I will forever love that. In the past few weeks I've met the most incredible people, and rekindled friendships that I would never have expected to strike another match to. The blessing of friendship, of people that love you, and believe in you is a Heavenly thing, something I truly admire about the Lord's willingness to bring happiness into our lives, through other people, it amazes me. Unfortunately, I've yet to capture much of my life in Provo on film, it's something I'm working on, but will be sure to do soon enough.
Now that ONE goal has been properly documented I should mention a few more 'finer' details of things I've not mentioned hence, WHO KNEW?!
One-I'm enrolled in the Honors Program at BYU. It's an open enrollment, IF you have a 3.5 GPA, and will be able to meet all the standards required, which I do-CHECK
Two-I'm a Senior! I posted about that already, but it's still fascinating to me, so I'm sharing it again.
Three-I have gone to restaurants and used sign language to communicate, for a No Speaking Lab, and those were the most intense and humbling experiences I've had in a while.
Four-I've met the most awesome bunch of people-ever..My Twilight class (yes, that one) has a group of people that I am beyond grateful to have in my life, they really make the class enjoyable and have made me smile more than I've wanted at times. I also have met another friend from EFY-who I hadn't talked to in YEARS, and he's been the best guy friend I could have asked for, here.
Five-I've been CLEARED of my ankle fracture, and am actually able to do Physical Therapy and start to train to run again, WOOHOO!
Six-I dropped a blender (uh huh, a BLENDER!) on my ankle (yup, the one I broke...) and it gashed me open...now I have six stitches-they're blue-it's kind of cool...
Seven-I'm going to Haiti. I could just stop there, but I feel as though an explanation is partially needed. Once the earthquake rocked Haiti I wanted to leave Utah (not because I hated it) to go and help my brothers and sisters out of the rubble. Then the tremors and the second earthquake happened, and I felt my heart ache as I was not there with them. I found a site, via my mom, and applied to go to Haiti to help my family out...I heard back LAST Saturday that I was on the additional plane list, and I could be leaving in about a week. After hurting my ankle I received a tetanus shot (why not?! I was at the hospital anyway). I've been cleared to go, with the Utah Hospital Task Force, and pending funds I will be in Haiti within two weeks. My teachers have been understanding and I've actually been excused from TWO classes. So I have THREE English classes to 'make up' or do extra work for, but it's totally worth it to help my brothers and sisters.
Thats life. It's mine. I love it.
[lyrics-when you figure out that love is all that matters after all, it sure makes everything else...seem so SMALL]
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